TNRC Resources
Monitoring Wildlife Crime Cases: A Possible Approach to Reduce Corruption in the Justice System?
This practice note is based on interviews with 18 people who worked in or with justice systems in Africa, Asia, and South America, to understand their perception of the effect case monitoring can have on corruption in the justice system.
How Political Economy Analysis Can Support Corruption Risk Assessments to Strengthen Law Enforcement Against Wildlife Crimes
This practice note summarizes the value added and key insights of using two analytical approaches, political economy analysis and corruption risk assessment, to help natural resource management and conservation practitioners understand corruption risks in specific contexts and design and implement mitigation measures.
Tracking the Trade: Increasing Efficiency and Transparency in Tanzania's Timber Sector
The forestry sector is immensely important to Tanzania’s economy but corruption robs much of the revenue and the government's ability to effectively manage timber harvesting.
Internal Controls and Illegal Wildlife Trade: A Systemic Approach to Corruption Prevention and Law Enforcement Integrity
This brief highlights the importance and potential of robust internal controls in helping achieve the objectives of agencies tasked with protecting wildlife and the environment by identifying performance gaps and opportunities for improvement, enabling oversight, and fostering accountability.
Corruption in Community-Based Conservation: A Synthesis of Lessons
This TNRC Topic Brief examines the key design features of Community Based Conservation (CBC), focusing on the impact of corruption in the establishment and operation of CBC projects, to draw out lessons for conservation and NRM practitioners.
Community Forestry and Reducing Corruption: Perspectives From the Peruvian Amazon
Indigenous communities play an essential role in successful forest conservation.
Pathways for Targeting Renewable Resource Corruption: A Summary of Evidence
This brief summarizes empirical evidence and learning from research led by the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center as part of the five-year, USAID-supported, Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC) Project.
Guide to Conducting Corruption Risk Assessments in a Wildlife Law Enforcement Context
This guide is a high-level “how-to” for carrying out a corruption risk assessment in a conservation law enforcement context, using the Map, Characterize, Assess, and Recommend (MCAR) approach designed by the Basel Institute on Governance.
Conducting a Corruption-Oriented Situation Analysis for Conservation Work: Guidance From Experience
This guide explains how conducting a corruption-oriented situation analysis can help conservation and natural resource management (NRM) practitioners understand and respond to the threats that corruption poses to conservation and NRM outcomes.
The Open Government Partnership and Anti-corruption in Conservation: Templates for Collective Action
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a collaboration of over 150 national and local governments and more than 1000 civil society partners working to promote transparent, participatory, inclusive, and accountable governance.
Visualizing Corruption Risks in the Illegal Horn Trade Supply Chain
The rhino horn trade represents one of the four largest illegal wildlife trade flows by value and corruption is a key facilitator.
Corruption Risks and Anti-Corruption Responses in Sustainable Livelihood Interventions
Sustainable livelihood projects can be vulnerable to corruption risks that may contribute to further social and environmental damage.
Supply Chains
This Guide outlines the impact of corruption along the forest, fishery, and wildlife supply chains and provides guidance and tools that can help conservation and natural resource management practitioners to strengthen their context-specific programming and related responses.
Social Norms and Behavior Change
This Guide provides information, guidance, and tools for practitioners who seek to integrate social norms and behavior change approaches into their context-specific programming responses.
Situation Analysis
This Guide outlines the impact of corruption on conservation and natural resource management objectives.
Open Governance
This Guide outlines the impact of corruption on the governance of natural resources and provides guidance and tools that can help conservation and natural resource management practitioners to leverage open governance approaches in response.
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
This Guide outlines the impact of corruption in law enforcement or the criminal justice system on conservation goals and approaches that can help conservation and natural resource management practitioners to strengthen their programming and related responses.
Illicit Financial Flows
This Guide outlines the impact of illicit financial flows on conservation goals and approaches that can help conservation and natural resource management practitioners to strengthen their programming and related responses.
Communities and Inclusion
This Guide provides information, guidance, and tools for practitioners who seek to integrate anti-corruption approaches into their context-specific programming responses to address the threats of corruption in community-based work and inclusive conservation efforts.
Programación de Anticorrupción en Gestión de Recursos Naturales: Principios para Comenzar
TNRC colabora con diez oficinas de WWF en todo el mundo para probar enfoques para abordar la corrupción y generar aprendizaje en beneficio de todos.