Honduras Images

Expedition to the Summit of the Puca Wildlife Refuge

Expedition to the summit of the Puca Wildlife Refuge in Honduras.

Honduras YCC youth learning organic agriculture basics

The Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps transforms lives by strengthening participants’ soft and hard skills.

USFS S130 certificate to professional firefighters

A group of USFS-certified Honduran professional firefighters.

88 youth from Honduras YCC 2022

Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps cohort 7-8.

APAH continues activities in conservation efforts in Honduras

Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps youth become members of their own organization, APAH, to continue supporting environmental actions in Honduras.

MOU signature between USFS – Honduras Fire Department

USFS and the Honduras Fire Department are developing partnerships with local stakeholders like institutions, organizations, and communities.

Honduras YCC 2022

In 2022, 90 youth participated in Honduras YCC.

Erlin Espinoza, YCC Graduate

Erlin Espinoza, YCC Graduate.

US Forest Service logo

US Forest Service logo.


Wildland firefighter training.

Honduras YCC - small

The Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps transforms lives by strengthening participants’ soft and hard skills.

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