USAID Biodiversity Policy Update

USAID established its first-ever Biodiversity Policy in 2014, outlining its vision to “conserve biodiversity in priority places and integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development." With the Biodiversity Policy in force for nearly a decade, USAID seeks to reflect on how the Policy has or hasn’t influenced conservation efforts and identify areas where it can increase impact.

To ensure that the views of a broad array of groups are reflected in the updates to USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, USAID is conducting a series of listening sessions with international and US-based NGOs, including Indigenous Peoples, women, youth organizations, and other local partners; the private sector; and US government staff. 

While prospective updates to the Biodiversity Policy are still to be determined, some of the thematic areas USAID is exploring as a part of the revision process include:  

  • How to support transformative change through conservation to reduce biodiversity loss; 
  • How to enhance integration of biodiversity conservation with other development goals, including addressing climate change; 
  • How to improve evidence capture and metrics development; 
  • How to better incorporate cross-cutting areas such as locally led development, values, and equity and inclusion, including gender equality and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

The goal of these sessions is to listen to and capture stakeholders’ priorities, reflections, and ideas about possible updates to the USAID Biodiversity Policy. Individual quotes and contributions are not attributed in each session’s report, ensuring anonymity. 

Please see here the overview of the USAID Biodiversity Policy update process presented at a private sector listening session on May 16, 2023, and see here the high-level summary of feedback that USAID received at the session.

Once an initial draft of the updated Biodiversity Policy is developed, external stakeholders will be able to provide feedback during a public comment period.

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