Economic Growth/Livelihoods Projects and Activities Africa

Title Description Subject Controlled Vocabulary CreationDate Type
A Planetary Health Innovation for Disease, Food and Water Challenges in Africa A Planetary Health Innovation for Disease, Food and Water Challenges in Africa Many communities in low- and middle-income countries globally lack sustainable, cost-effective and mutually beneficial solutions for infectious disease, food, water, and poverty challenges. This research supports the hypothesis that agricultural development and fertilizer use in West Africa increases the burden of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis by fueling the growth of submerged aquatic vegetation that chokes out water access points and serves as habitat for freshwater snails that transmit Schistosoma parasites to more than 200 million people globally. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', '2023', 'Research', 'Africa', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Human Well-Being', 'Infectious Disease'] Dec 12, 2023 09:10 PM File
African Drought Adaptation Forum Report 3 The Third African Drought Adaptation Forum was held 17th-19th September 2008 at the United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa. This three-day workshop was sponsored by the United Nations Development Program’s Drylands Development Centre (UNDP-DDC), UN-International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) and the hosts the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It brought together some 80 policy makers, government officials, UN agencies, donors, practitioners from local and international NGO’s and CBO’s, the media and applied researchers from around Africa, and the Arab states to exchange practical experiences, findings and ideas on how to adapt to the increasing threat of drought and climate change in the drylands of Africa. ['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Gender', 'Africa', 'Training', 'Library', 'Content', 'Climate Change Adaptation', 'Health', 'Resources', 'Drought Adaptation'] Jan 15, 2010 05:46 AM File
Beyond Fences Beyond Fences One of the most ambitious and potentially significant conservation developments taking place in southern Africa today is the formation of transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs). Incorporating national parks, game reserves, hunting areas and conservancies embedded within a matrix of land under traditional communal tenure, TFCAs provide extraordinary biodiversity conservation and sustainable development opportunities and are a top priority for SADC (the Southern African Development Community). ['Protected Areas', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Africa', 'Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems', 'Case Study', 'Biodiversity', 'SCAPES', 'CBNRM'] Feb 24, 2012 07:08 PM File
Community-based Counter Wildlife Trafficking Activity Fact Sheet Community-based Counter Wildlife Trafficking Activity Fact Sheet The Community-Based Counter Wildlife Trafficking (CBCWT) Activity aims to enhance community resilience and wildlife conservation in the Mbomu-Uele border region between the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ['Biodiversity', 'Africa', 'CARPE', 'Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)', 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'Wildlife Trafficking', 'Fact Sheet'] Dec 08, 2023 04:01 PM File
Conservation Enterprises Learning Brief: Assessing the Core Assumption that Enterprise Benefits Promote Conservation Attitudes and Behaviors - Summary of Resources Conservation Enterprises Learning Brief: Assessing the Core Assumption that Enterprise Benefits Promote Conservation Attitudes and Behaviors - Summary of Resources One of the core assumptions in a theory of change for supporting conservation enterprises is that the benefits–both monetary and non-monetary—participants receive promote desired attitudes and behaviors toward biodiversity conservation. This brief summarizes select resources that have more systematically assessed how increased benefits have led to attitudes and behavior change. In taking a closer look at these studies, conservation enterprise teams should reflect on how they might contribute to the evidence base for this key assumption. ['Biodiversity', 'Technical Brief', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Assessment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Africa', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Asia', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'Other Businesses', 'Crops', 'Livestock', 'Sustainably Harvested Fish and Shellfish', 'Conservation Enterprises Resources', 'CE Learning Group Resources', 'Resources', 'Learning Group'] Mar 16, 2023 02:23 PM File
Democratising forest business: a compendium of successful locally controlled forest business organisations Democratising forest business: a compendium of successful locally controlled forest business organisations The main purpose of this book is to present 19 case studies from 14 developing countries that show how local people have been democratising forest business. By this is meant the process of asserting collective local control through ownership and management arrangements so that the integrated needs of families, communities and indigenous peoples remain central to the business operation. ['Brazil', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Community Forest Management', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Nepal', 'Governance', 'Ethiopia', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Laos', 'Bolivia', 'Burkina Faso', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Forest Communities', 'Forest Based Industries and Products', 'Guatemala', 'Community Involvement in Forest Management', 'Ownership', 'Profit Potential', 'Thailand', 'Biodiversity', 'Business Alliances', 'Gambia', 'Philippines', 'Indonesia', 'RMP', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Communities', 'Vietnam', 'Asia', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Forest Enterprises', 'Cambodia', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Diversification', 'Mexico', 'Africa', 'Agroforestry', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Community Enterprises', 'FRAME', 'CE Community'] Nov 16, 2016 04:43 PM File
Effectiveness and Profitability of Preventive Veterinary Interventions in Controlling Infectious Diseases of Ruminant Livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review Effectiveness and Profitability of Preventive Veterinary Interventions in Controlling Infectious Diseases of Ruminant Livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review Agriculture in general, and livestock production in particular, serve as a livelihood source for many people in sub-Saharan Africa. In many settings, lack of control of infectious diseases hampers livestock productivity, under-mining the livelihood of rural populations. This scoping review sought to identify veterinary interventions previously evaluated as well as their relative effectiveness in controlling infectious livestock diseases. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Review', 'Africa', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', 'Infectious Disease'] Dec 05, 2022 08:57 PM File
ENVIRONMENT MATTERS • 2001 - Africa Region ENVIRONMENT MATTERS • 2001 - Africa Region ENVIRONMENT MATTERS • 2001 - Africa Region ['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Poverty Reduction Seminar', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'FRAME', 'Africa', 'Training', 'Library', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'CBNRM', 'Integrated Coastal Management', 'Resources', 'Speaker Biosketches'] Dec 24, 2008 01:26 AM File
Evaluation Design Report for the USAID/West Africa RESTORE Activity Evaluation Design Report for the USAID/West Africa RESTORE Activity The objective of this report is to provide details on the impact and performance evaluation design for the Health, Ecosystems, and Agriculture for Resilient Thriving Societies (HEARTH) RESTORE activity in in Ghana and CDI. ['Biodiversity', 'Africa', 'Report', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'INRM', 'Evaluation', '2024', 'HEARTH', 'HEARTH Resources', 'HEARTH Evidence', 'New Resources'] Jul 09, 2024 04:45 PM File
Exploring the Connection between Poultry Production and Reduced Wild Meat Consumption: USAID Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production Exploring the Connection between Poultry Production and Reduced Wild Meat Consumption: USAID Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production USAID launched the Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production activity in September 2020. Called “Soso Pona Moto Nyonso” in Lingala, or Chicken for Everyone, the activity addresses unsustainable levels of wild meat consumption in RoC by combining livelihood and biodiversity-focused interventions. This case study addresses the activity’s approach and early results, including successes and barriers to protecting wildlife by increasing alternative protein sources and developing a more diverse economy. ['Biodiversity', 'Wild Meat', 'Wild Meat Learning Group', 'Evidence', 'Case Study', 'Africa', 'Republic of the Congo', 'Nutrition', 'Supply Chains', 'Livelihoods', 'Disease'] Jan 18, 2024 02:55 PM File
Final draft results of UBC/FERU’s analysis of the scale, form, and impacts of DWF on national fisheries and fisherfolk for Africa and Latin American and the Caribbean Final draft results of UBC/FERU’s analysis of the scale, form, and impacts of DWF on national fisheries and fisherfolk for Africa and Latin American and the Caribbean The University of British Columbia’s Fisheries Economic Resource Unit (UBC/FERU) was commissioned to help implement USAID's Distant Water Fleet (DWF) Research Agenda. Through analysis of the Sea Around Us database, a literature review, and expert interviews, UBC/FERU researchers have characterized interactions between DWF and domestic fishing activities in selected geographies. These results were discussed further in a webinar on June 29, 2022. ['Biodiversity', 'Africa', 'LAC', 'Learning Group', 'Final Report', 'Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries'] Mar 30, 2023 05:04 PM File
From Awareness to Action: Sharing Lessons Learned for African Conservation From Awareness to Action: Sharing Lessons Learned for African Conservation, a report to the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund prepared by the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group. ['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Africa', 'Training', 'Library', 'Content', 'HIV Aids', 'News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'Conservation Outcomes', 'Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group', 'Resources', 'Biodiversity Conservation'] Jan 15, 2010 05:50 AM File
How Crop-livestock Clinics Are Advancing One Health: A Pilot Case from Uganda How Crop-livestock Clinics Are Advancing One Health: A Pilot Case from Uganda This case narrates the early experiences with crop–livestock clinics – a novel, integrated advisory service for smallholder farmers, which is based on existing government extension structures and capacities. The pilot work is carried out by a transdisciplinary team exploring clinic operations and possible synergies and efficiency gains in four districts in central Uganda. ['Biodiversity', '2022', 'One Health', 'Africa', 'Uganda', 'Case Study', 'Human Well-Being'] Dec 18, 2023 08:54 PM File
Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa an Awareness Curriculum Framework for the Judiciary Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa an Awareness Curriculum Framework for the Judiciary The consultant was tasked to complete a desk review of illegal wildlife trade (IWT) training materials used by organizations in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region to raise awareness amongst the judiciary on IWT. The SADC territory encompasses vast tracts of land hosting a many species and it hosts SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA) which include the Kavango- Zambezi, Greater Limpopo, and the Zimbabwe, Malawi-Zambia TFCAs, amongst others. The SADC member States are Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. ['Wildlife', 'Biodiversity', 'VukaNow', 'Southern African Development Community (SADC)', 'VukaNow Resources', 'Africa', 'Training'] Oct 11, 2022 07:22 PM File
Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa: A State of Knowledge Report Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa: A State of Knowledge Report This State of Knowledge review was undertaken with the aim of understanding what data and information is available on illegal wildlife trade (IWT) that would allow for analyses of economic impacts of IWT at national and regional levels in southern Africa. It also aims to increase the accessibility to existing knowledge on IWT in southern Africa and constitutes the base for future country studies and regional assessments of the costs and benefits of IWT in the region. ['Southern Africa', 'Biodiversity', 'VukaNow', 'Report', 'Wildlife Crime', 'VukaNow Resources', 'Africa'] Oct 20, 2022 04:09 PM File
Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of the USAID/Zambia Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance Activity Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of the USAID/Zambia Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance Activity The objective of this feasibility assessment (FA) is to assess the possible evaluation options for the Health, Ecosystems, and Agriculture for Resilient Thriving Societies (HEARTH) Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance activity (“Kafue Activity”) in Zambia. The assessment considers design options, including impact evaluation (IE) and performance evaluation (PE), that meet Agency-wide HEARTH and Mission learning interests, with the goal of determining the most rigorous options that can be applied given implementation, resource, and other constraints for this activity. ['Biodiversity', 'Zambia', 'Africa', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'INRM', 'Impact Assessment'] Jul 08, 2022 01:39 PM File
Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment for the USAID/Southern Africa ECCO Activity Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment for the USAID/Southern Africa ECCO Activity The objective of this feasibility assessment is to assess the possible evaluation options for the USAID/Southern Africa Regional Ecosystems, Communities and Climate, Cubango-Okavango (ECCO) activity in Angola. The assessment considers evaluation design options that meet priority learning objectives related to cross-sectoral benefits, attitude and behavior change, threat reduction, and biophysical impacts, with the goal of determining the most rigorous options that can be applied given implementation, resources, and other constraints. ['Biodiversity', '2024', 'Africa', 'Southern Africa', 'Climate', 'Report', 'Impact Assessment', 'Evaluation', 'HEARTH', 'HEARTH Evidence', 'HEARTH Resources', 'Evidence'] Apr 22, 2024 08:58 PM File
Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of RESTORE Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of RESTORE The objective of this feasibility assessment is to assess the possible evaluation options for the USAID/West Africa Resilient Ecosystem and Sustainable Transformation of Rural Economies (RESTORE) Activity in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. The assessment considers evaluation design options that meet priority learning interests, with a focus on on-farm and off-farm biodiversity and conservation outcomes and risk of zoonotic disease transmission, with the goal of determining the most rigorous options that can be applied given implementation, resources, and other constraints. ['Biodiversity', 'HEARTH', 'HEARTH Evidence', 'HEARTH Resources', 'Report', '2024', 'Africa', 'West Africa', 'Ghana', "Cote d'Ivoire", 'Reforestation', 'Zoonotic Diseases'] Apr 22, 2024 08:49 PM File
Impact of COVID-19 on Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Trends in Southern Africa Impact of COVID-19 on Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Trends in Southern Africa This rapid review focuses on the impact COVID-19 pandemic om poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking. It provides an overview of the recent research and summarises the key themes. ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Africa', 'Research', 'Wild Meat Learning Group', 'Wild Meat'] Jun 01, 2022 07:30 PM File
Nosy Manga - Marine Ecosystems and Community Nosy Manga - Marine Ecosystems and Community The five-year Nosy Manga - Restorative Aquaculture for Nature and Communities project will focus on promoting sustainable seaweed and sea cucumber farming in the Menabe, Atsimo Andrefana, Anosy, and the MaMaBay seascapes. Bymodellingproductiveindustrialandcommunity-basedfarming, Nosy Manga will encourage farmers to adopt strategies that generate high financial returns and simultaneously contribute to the preservation and restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems. ['Africa', 'USAID', 'Madagascar', 'Ocean Farmers', 'Indian Ocean Trepang', 'Indian Ocean'] Nov 08, 2023 09:45 PM File
One Health in Turkana County, Kenya: Applications and Lessons Learned One Health in Turkana County, Kenya: Applications and Lessons Learned This case describes the development of the One Health Strategy in Turkana County, Kenya. Turkana can act as a model for implementing One Health to improve the health and livelihoods of pastoralists in the drylands of Northern Kenya and neighboring pastoral regions. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Case Study', 'Africa', 'Human Well-Being', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Governance/Management', 'Kenya'] Dec 18, 2023 08:46 PM File
Operationalizing One Health in Pastoralist Settings Module 1: Principles and Applications of One Health Operationalizing One Health in Pastoralist Settings Module 1:  Principles and Applications of One Health This facilitator guide is intended to help trainers deliver Module 1: Principles and Applications of One Health of the HEAL training package. The Unit aims to develop the capacity of learners with respect to the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to practice a One Health approach to address animal, human and environmental health challenges in pastoralist settings in Africa. The Module has both theoretical and practical sessions. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Guidelines', 'Africa', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Human Well-Being'] Dec 12, 2023 10:13 PM File
Participant Feedback: The Scale, Form, and Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Fleets on National Fisheries and Fisherfolk: Africa and Latin America/Caribbean Participant Feedback: The Scale, Form, and Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Fleets on National Fisheries and Fisherfolk: Africa and Latin America/Caribbean During this interactive event, held on June 29, 2022, the University of British Columbia’s Fisheries Economic Resource Unit (UBC/FERU) shared the final draft results of their characterization of DWF activities in Africa and Latin America/Caribbean. Webinar participants were invited to share their input to refine the final results through geographically-focused small group discussions. During the session, each group provided feedback, captured on a virtual whiteboard. ['Biodiversity', 'Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries', 'Learning Group', 'Africa', 'LAC'] Mar 30, 2023 04:46 PM File
Social-ecological System Health in Transfrontier Conservation Areas to Promote the Coexistence Between People and Nature Social-ecological System Health in Transfrontier Conservation Areas to Promote the Coexistence Between People and Nature The ProSuLi in Transfrontier Conservation Areas in southern Africa project engaged with four communities in three countries (Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe) to identify, co-design, implement, and monitor livelihoods interventions that could improve well-being. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', '2022', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Human Well-Being', 'Research', 'Africa'] Jul 12, 2023 06:59 PM File
The Role of Wild-Caught Fisheries in African Development The Role of Wild-Caught Fisheries in African Development This report on the role of wild-caught fisheries in African development focuses on small-scale fisheries in East and West Africa. The report describes the role of wild-caught fisheries in food security, resilience and nutrition and presents opportunities and recommendations for intervening in wild-caught fisheries management to improve the livelihoods and food security of the hundreds of millions of people who depend on wild fish for nourishment and income. ['BiodiversityLinks', 'BRIDGE', 'Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced', 'Food Security', 'Learning Group', 'Nutrition', 'FRAME', 'Africa', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'Biodiversity', 'Economic Growth', 'One Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Report', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'The Role of Wild-Caught Fisheries in African Development'] Jun 08, 2018 05:47 AM File
Webinar Presentation - The scale, form, and impacts of distant water fleets on national fisheries and fisherfolk: Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean Webinar Presentation -  The scale, form, and impacts of distant water fleets on national fisheries and fisherfolk: Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean During this webinar, held on June 29, 2022, the University of British Columbia’s Fisheries Economic Resource Unit (UBC/FERU) shared the final draft results of their characterization of DWF activities in Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean. ['Biodiversity', 'Marine Conservation and Fisheries', 'Learning Group', 'Africa', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'LAC', '2022'] Mar 17, 2023 02:41 PM File
Webinar Presentation: Gorongosa Project Conservation Enterprises Webinar Presentation: Gorongosa Project Conservation Enterprises Working with approximately 200,000 people living in Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park buffer zone, the USAID Integrated Gorongosa and Buffer Zone Program seeks to leverage the park as an economic engine to lift every family in the buffer zone out of poverty in the next 30 years. In this webinar, the Gorongosa Project team described lessons learned from its conservation enterprise approach to sustainable development, which includes coffee, cashew, honey, and ecotourism-based enterprises. ['BiodiversityLinks', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'Africa', 'Webinar', 'CE', 'Economic Growth', 'Mozambique', 'Livelihoods', 'Report', 'MI2', 'Measuring Impact II', 'Communities and Conservation', 'Video', 'Videos'] Dec 11, 2020 11:09 AM File
Wet Market Biosecurity Reform: Three Social Narratives Influence Stakeholder Responses in Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines Wet Market Biosecurity Reform: Three Social Narratives Influence Stakeholder Responses in Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines In 2020, Covid-19 led to global policy statements promoting bans and reforms to wet markets in Asia and Africa to prevent future pandemics. This report describes a comparative, exploratory qualitative study in 2021 in three countries (Kenya, Vietnam and the Philippines) to understand the social and political dimensions to biosecurity reform at wet markets. This included 60 key informant interviews and rapid ethnographic research in 15 markets, as well as a review of policy documents and online media articles. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Research', 'Africa', 'Asia', '2023', 'One Health Highlighted Resources', 'Infectious Disease', 'Governance/Management'] Dec 01, 2023 08:14 PM File
Zambia Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM) Report Zambia Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM) Report With the development of Zambia’s first Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM), the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) will endeavour to take action on women’s leadership in the context of climate change. Without such plans in place, a country’s climate change policy and planning is often gender blind. Through the multi-stakeholder process, the strategies increase public awareness of climate change and gender equality issues to stimulate interest, participation and consultation with different stakeholders in developing climate change policies, and to increase capacity of those national actors to continue their involvement. The objective of the ccGAP:ZM is to ensure that Zambia’s climate change processes mainstream gender considerations to guarantee that women and men can have access to, participate in, and benefit equally from climate change initiatives. ['Biodiversity', 'Gender', 'Zambia', 'Africa', 'AGENT', 'Report', 'Climate and Biodiversity', 'Advancing Gender in the Environment'] Dec 11, 2017 08:08 PM File
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