African Union AMR Landmark Report: Voicing African Priorities on the Active Pandemic
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a leading cause of death in the African region, surpassing fatalities from malaria, HIV, and TB. In response to this critical threat, the region has adopted the AMR Global Action Plan and the African Union Framework for Antimicrobial Resistance Control 2020 – 2025, which is tailored to meet the specific needs of African nations through a coordinated approach.
['One Health', 'Biodiversity', '2024', 'Report', 'Governance/Management', 'Africa']
Dec 12, 2024 09:00 PM
Effectiveness and Profitability of Preventive Veterinary Interventions in Controlling Infectious Diseases of Ruminant Livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review
Agriculture in general, and livestock production in particular, serve as a livelihood source for many people in sub-Saharan Africa. In many settings, lack of control of infectious diseases hampers livestock productivity, under-mining the livelihood of rural populations. This scoping review sought to identify veterinary interventions previously evaluated as well as their relative effectiveness in controlling infectious livestock diseases.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Review', 'Africa', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', 'Infectious Disease']
Dec 05, 2022 08:57 PM
How Crop-livestock Clinics Are Advancing One Health: A Pilot Case from Uganda
This case narrates the early experiences with crop–livestock clinics – a novel, integrated advisory service for smallholder farmers, which is based on existing government extension structures and capacities. The pilot work is carried out by a transdisciplinary team exploring clinic operations and possible synergies and efficiency gains in four districts in central Uganda.
['Biodiversity', '2022', 'One Health', 'Africa', 'Uganda', 'Case Study', 'Human Well-Being']
Dec 18, 2023 08:54 PM
Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of RESTORE
The objective of this feasibility assessment is to assess the possible evaluation options for the USAID/West Africa Resilient Ecosystem and Sustainable Transformation of Rural Economies (RESTORE) Activity in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. The assessment considers evaluation design options that meet priority learning interests, with a focus on on-farm and off-farm biodiversity and conservation outcomes and risk of zoonotic disease transmission, with the goal of determining the most rigorous options that can be applied given implementation, resources, and other constraints.
['Biodiversity', 'HEARTH', 'HEARTH Evidence', 'HEARTH Resources', 'Report', '2024', 'Africa', 'West Africa', 'Ghana', "Cote d'Ivoire", 'Reforestation', 'Zoonotic Diseases']
Apr 22, 2024 08:49 PM
One Health in Turkana County, Kenya: Applications and Lessons Learned
This case describes the development of the One Health Strategy in Turkana County, Kenya. Turkana can act as a model for implementing One Health to improve the health and livelihoods of pastoralists in the drylands of Northern Kenya and neighboring pastoral regions.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Case Study', 'Africa', 'Human Well-Being', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Governance/Management', 'Kenya']
Dec 18, 2023 08:46 PM
Operationalizing One Health in Pastoralist Settings Module 1: Principles and Applications of One Health
This facilitator guide is intended to help trainers deliver Module 1: Principles and Applications of One Health of the HEAL training package. The Unit aims to develop the capacity of learners with respect to the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to practice a One Health approach to address animal, human and environmental health challenges in pastoralist settings in Africa. The Module has both theoretical and practical sessions.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Guidelines', 'Africa', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Human Well-Being']
Dec 12, 2023 10:13 PM
Social-ecological System Health in Transfrontier Conservation Areas to Promote the Coexistence Between People and Nature
The ProSuLi in Transfrontier Conservation Areas in southern Africa project engaged with four communities in three countries (Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe) to identify, co-design, implement, and monitor livelihoods interventions that could improve well-being.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', '2022', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Human Well-Being', 'Research', 'Africa']
Jul 12, 2023 06:59 PM
Webinar Presentation: Importance of Wild Meat and Fish for Children’s Nutritional Intake in the Congo Basin
In this webinar, Amy Ickowitz from the Center for International Forestry Research presents research exploring the contribution of wild meat and fish to children’s nutritional status in the humid zone of the Congo Basin. She shares results from 4 communities in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
['Biodiversity', 'Wild Meat Learning Group', 'Wild Meat', 'Webinars', 'Nutrition', 'Rural', 'Food Security', 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'Africa']
May 30, 2023 05:55 PM
Wet Market Biosecurity Reform: Three Social Narratives Influence Stakeholder Responses in Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines
In 2020, Covid-19 led to global policy statements promoting bans and reforms to wet markets in Asia and Africa to prevent future pandemics. This report describes a comparative, exploratory qualitative study in 2021 in three countries (Kenya, Vietnam and the Philippines) to understand the social and political dimensions to biosecurity reform at wet markets. This included 60 key informant interviews and rapid ethnographic research in 15 markets, as well as a review of policy documents and online media articles.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Research', 'Africa', 'Asia', '2023', 'One Health Highlighted Resources', 'Infectious Disease', 'Governance/Management']
Dec 01, 2023 08:14 PM