Assessment Report of the Status on the Nexus between Biodiversity and Health, Food and Nutrition, and Traditional Medicine in ASEAN Member States
This report aims to identify current policy priorities and joint implementation possibilities in the ASEAN Region across the sectors, identify best practices relating to knowledge use and implementation that can be appropriately replicated across the Region, with specific attention given to transboundary and collaborative arrangements, and lay a groundwork for a Policy Brief highlighting how the ACB may work with relevant ASEAN bodies.
Assessment Report of the Status on the Nexus between Biodiversity and Health, Food and Nutrition, and Traditional Medicine in ASEAN Member States
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity-United Nations University-International Institute of Global Health
Publication Date: 2020
This report aims to identify current policy priorities and joint implementation possibilities in the ASEAN Region across the sectors, identify best practices relating to knowledge use and implementation that can be appropriately replicated across the Region, with specific attention given to transboundary and collaborative arrangements, and lay a groundwork for a Policy Brief highlighting how the ACB may work with relevant ASEAN bodies.