Evidence for Widespread Human Exposure to Food Contact Chemicals
Author(s): Birgit Geueke, Lindsey V. Parkinson, Ksenia J. Groh, Christopher D. Kassotis, Maricel V. Maffini, Olwenn V. Martin, Lisa Zimmermann, Martin Scheringer, and Jane Muncke
Publication Date: 2024
DOWNLOAD FILEOver 1800 food contact chemicals (FCCs) are known to migrate from food contact articles used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs. Humans are known to be exposed to FCCs via foods, but the full extent of human exposure to all FCCs is unknown. To close this important knowledge gap, we conducted a systematic overview of FCCs that have been monitored and detected in human biomonitoring studies according to a previously published protocol.
We present systematically compiled evidence on human exposure to 3601 food contact chemicals (FCCs) and highlight FCCs that are of concern because of their known hazard properties. Further, we identify relevant data gaps for FCCs found in food contact materials and foods. This article improves the understanding of food contact materials’ contribution to chemical exposure for the human population and highlights opportunities for improving public health.