CBNRM Literature Review Sources

Files reviewed for the CBNRM Assessment and for possible Annotation
Title Type
CBNRM Document Review Form 20121116_05_location_fix-mc fix1130 File
48 Cantones de Totonicapan File
The Power of Local Action: Lessons from 10 years of the Equator Prize Biblio Reference
Final performance evaluation for four Economic Growth Office projects : final report Biblio Reference
Conservation partnerships for sustainability in Southern Africa (COPASSA) : annual performance report, October 1, 2011-September 30, 2012 Biblio Reference
CBNRM Policy implementation program : enhancing conservation and community gains through the implementation of wildlife management areas and environmental policies in Tanzania, quarterly report Biblio Reference
Nigeria : biodiversity and tropical forests -- 118/119 assessment Biblio Reference
Mozambique environmental threats and opportunities assessment (ETOA) Biblio Reference
A Decade in Forest Management and Planning in Cambodia: A Synthesis of Forestry Reviews and Supportive Studies A Decade in Forest Management and Planning in Cambodia: A Synthesis of Forestry Reviews and Supportive Studies File
A Multi-sector Framework for Assessing Community-Based Forest Management: Lessons from Madagascar A Multi-sector Framework for Assessing Community-Based Forest Management: Lessons from Madagascar File
Adaptive co-management for social–ecological complexity Adaptive co-management for social–ecological complexity File
Adaptive Collaborative Management of Community Forests in Asia Experiences from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines Adaptive Collaborative Management of Community Forests in Asia Experiences from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines File
An analysis of international law, national legislation, judgements, and institutions as they interrelate with territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Report No. 2. Africa Regional.  An analysis of international law, national legislation, judgements, and institutions as they interrelate with territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Report No. 2. Africa Regional. File
Annex I to Local Cultural Context pdf File
Appendix S1 File
Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study File
Bibliography from KSC File
Capitalisation and sharing of experiences on the interaction between forest policies and land use Capitalisation and sharing of experiences on the interaction between forest policies and land use File
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