Social and Environmental Soundness (SES)
REDD+ will only succeed if activities are feasible, sustainable and sound from a financial, social and environmental perspective. As such, then REDD+ needs to address a range of issues, including land and carbon tenure, gender, human rights, democracy, governance, and benefit sharing. REDD+ must equitably engage many stakeholders, especially local communities, living in, or near, forests, but also private sector actors who drive deforestation. International agencies have agreed that REDD+ initiatives should "do no harm" to forest communities or the environment, but many advocate that REDD+ should do more, i.e., "do good" by reducing poverty or improving biodiversity conservation. REDD+ brings risks and opportunities for rural populations, especially indigenous peoples, and needs social and environmental safeguards, standards, and guidelines to manage those risks. FCMC will assist USAID to assess best practices and develop SES guidelines and training applicable to a range of USAID-supported activities, and support work on impact assessment, monitoring, reporting, and verification of social and environmental costs, benefits, and impacts. FCMC will undertake this challenge by supporting REDD+ stakeholder consultation processes and testing SES standards at various levels, while enhancing capacity among various stakeholders and within regional institutions.
The concept of "social and environmental soundness" encompasses a range of different issues, approaches, methodologies, interventions and monitoring. This approach includes the establishment of safeguard policies, identification of tools and methods, best practices standards and assessment of impacts, as well as utilization of participatory and inclusive approaches to the identification, design, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of interventions and broad stakeholder engagement. It is vital that all activities ensure the equitable participation of stakeholders, including often marginalized populations such as women, the poor, vulnerable groups and indigenous peoples. Moreover, it is important that the social and environmental dimensions be well-integrated with each other, rather than considered as separate elements. The environmental and biodiversity issues of REDD+ will receive additional attention, in terms of the analysis of issues and development of training materials, to be done under this Task.
Although SES is one of the five main tasks of the FCMC Program, it also must be seen as a cross-cutting issue that is interwoven into all Program activities. The efforts to be conducted under the other Tasks need to be socially and environmentally sound, based upon broad stakeholder engagement and consensus building, including local community participation. All FCMC activities need to be gender sensitive, and wherever relevant, support the active participation and engagement of women.
Full List of SES Documents:
Final Report: Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program
Tetra Tech was awarded the three-and-one-half year Forest Carbon, Markets, and Communities Program (FCMC) Task Order (TO) by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in late March 2011.
FCMC Publications List
Provides a snapshot of the reports, working papers, briefs, and translations produced by the FCMC program and partners.
Shifting Cultivation, Gender and REDD+ in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo - Brief
This report presents the findings of field studies on shifting cultivation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Cameroon that the Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program commissioned.
La culture itinérante, le genre et la REDD+ au Cameroun et en République Démocratique du Congo
La culture itinérante – également appelée culture sur brûlis, ou culture de rotation – est le système de gestion des ressources naturelles sur lequel reposent la production alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance dans les zones forestière d’Afrique centrale et nombre d’autres pays.
PowerPoint Presentation on Shifting Cultivation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
This presentation was prepared for and delivered at the Annual Conference for the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) in January 2013.
Workshop Report: Shifting Cultivation, Gender and REDD+ in West and Central Africa
In July 2012, FCMC hosted a workshop in Washington, DC to act as the starting point for its study on Shifting Cultivation, Deforestation, Gender and REDD+.
REDD+ Safeguards in Peru: An Overview of Implementation (2013-2014)
This document summarizes the implementation of the reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation, plus the role of conservation, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) social and environmental soundness (SES) project implemented by Conservation International Peru (CI Peru) with support from the Forest, Carbon, Markets and Community (FCMC) Program.
REDD-plus et conservation de la biodiversite: Approches, experiences et possibilites d'amelioration des resultats
Cette presentation du rapport récapitule les enseignements tirés de la intersection du la conservation de la biodiversite et le REDD-plus.
REDD+ y la conservación de la biodiversidad: Enfoques, experiencias y oportunidades para obtener mejores resultados
Este informe temático resume los hallazgos claves y análisis generados por un estudio a largo plazo dirigido por FCMC sobre el vínculo entre la conservación de la biodiversidad y el REDD+.
A Review of the Biodiversity Goals and Proposed Monitoring Methods in National REDD+ Programs
This study reviews documents developed early in the REDD+ readiness process to explore how emerging national-level REDD+ programs are addressing biodiversity issues.
A Review of the Biodiversity Goals, Monitoring Methods and Short-Term Impacts of Forest Carbon Projects
This report reviews 17 forest carbon projects to assess their biodiversity benefits, goals and impacts, along with their relation to national biodiversity strategies.
REDD+ and Biodiversity Conservation: Approaches Experiences and Opportunities for Improved Outcomes
This report reviews how biodiversity issues are currently being addressed in existing safeguard policies and frameworks, national programs and forest carbon project activities, and provides recommendations on how to ensure positive biodiversity impacts in emerging REDD+ initiatives.
REDD+ et conservation de la biodiversité : Approches, expériences et possibilités d’améliorer les résultats
Ce rapport examine comment les questions de biodiversité sont abordées aujourd’hui dans les politiques et les cadres existants en matière de sauvegardes dans les activités de programmes et de projets de carbone forestier nationaux, et formule des recommandations sur la manière de garantir des impacts positifs sur la biodiversité dans les initiatives émergentes relatives à la REDD+.
REDD+ y la conservación de la biodiversidad : Enfoques, experiencias y oportunidades para obtener mejores resultados
Este informe revisa la forma en que se están abordando actualmente asuntos relativos a la biodiversidad en las políticas y los marcos de salvaguardas existentes, al igual que en los programas nacionales y las actividades realizadas en el contexto de los proyectos de carbono forestal, y ofrece recomendaciones sobre la manera de velar por que las iniciativas emergentes de REDD+ generen efectos positivos en la diversidad biológica.
Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Africa and Their Relevance for REDD+
This report reviews lessons learned from decades of community forestry experiences in Africa and generates recommendations and conclusions for REDD+.
Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Africa and Their Relevance for REDD+: Issues Brief
This issues brief summarizes the information and analysis contained in the full report on Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Africa.
Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Asia and Their Relevance for REDD+
This report reviews lessons learned from decades of community forestry experiences in Asia and generates recommendations and conclusions for REDD+.
Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Asia and Their Relevance for REDD+: Issues Brief
This issues brief summarizes the information and analysis contained in the full report on Lessons Learned from Community Forestry in Asia.
Las enseignements tirés de la foresterie communauraire en Afrique et leur pertinence pour la REDD-plus
Cette rapport récapitule les enseignements tirés de La foresterie communautaire en Afrique.
La silvicultura comunitaria y REDD+ en América Latina: Lecciones aprendidas y pasos a seguir: Informe Temático
Este informe temático resume la información e análisis en el reporte sobre Lecciones Aprendidas de la Silvicultura Comunitaria en América Latina.