2009 Katoomba XV Meeting (Accra, Ghana)

October 6‐10, 2009, Accra, Ghana - The meeting on "Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa" was hosted by the Katoomba Group, Forest Trends, and the Nature Conservation Research Center (NCRC)
2009/10 Katoomba XV Meeting - Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa (Accra, Ghana)

October 6‐10, 2009, Accra, Ghana - The meeting on "Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa" was hosted by the Katoomba Group, Forest Trends, and the Nature Conservation Research Center (NCRC) and was made possible by support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, NORAD, Rockefeller Foundation, Rainforest Alliance, Price Waterhouse Coopers and USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.

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