USFS International Programs Honduras Resources

Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps Fact Sheet

The Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps (YCC) program, implemented by USFS and funded by USAID, aims to create a new generation of socially and environmentally conscious young leaders.

Memoria de Implementación Jóvenes para la Conservación Honduras

El Programa Jóvenes para la Conservación Honduras (JPC Honduras) es una experiencia piloto en América Latina.

Las Guarda Recursos

Marisol y Yeraldhyn laboran en sus respectivas zonas con el programa de Guarda Recursos del Instituto de Conservación Forestal, del Gobierno de Honduras.

U.S. Forest Service Trains Hondurans in Specialized Wildfire Fighting

With the effects of climate change yielding longer, more intense droughts in Central America, conditions are becoming increasingly threatening for devastating wildfires.

Honduras Youth Conservation Corps: A Global Success Story

What started as an experimental conservation and leadership program in rural Honduras focused on recruiting youth most likely to experience the negative effects of narcotics, violence, and immigration has transformed into an ambitious endeavor reaching young people across the globe.

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