Climate Projects and Activities Completed

Title Description Subject Controlled Vocabulary CreationDate Type
Advancing Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: Lessons Drawn from the Evidence Advancing Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: Lessons Drawn from the Evidence Participatory natural resource management (PNRM) has important effects on broader democratic outcomes that should be considered in environment and DRG programming. This technical brief provides a summary of lessons learned from more than 150 relevant articles. ['Biodiversity', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'INRM', 'Climate', 'Natural Resource Management', 'New Resources', 'Global', 'Resources'] Nov 16, 2023 11:21 PM File
Brownbag Presentation - Social and Biodiversity Impact Assessment (SBIA) Manual for REDD+ Projects Brownbag Presentation - Social and Biodiversity Impact Assessment (SBIA) Manual for REDD+ Projects The Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards, used to assess multiple benefits of the majority of forest carbon projects, provide robust standards; however, until now there has been limited guidance on how to undertake credible and cost-effective impact assessment. Forest Trends, the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and Rainforest Alliance have developed a user-friendly manual that enables land-based carbon project proponents to undertake cost-effective social and biodiversity impact assessment (SBIA). The SBIA Manual is oriented to the CCB Standards, but the approach described is applicable to other multiple benefit carbon standards, as well as to other types of payments for ecosystem services (PES) projects. ['Climate', 'Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Manual', 'SBIA', 'Community', 'Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA)', 'BrownBag', 'REDD+', 'Guidance'] Feb 06, 2012 07:19 AM File
Climate-Resilient Biodiversity Programming Stocktaking Climate-Resilient Biodiversity Programming Stocktaking It is no surprise to conservationists that biodiversity is at great risk from climate change; however, as climate impacts become more acute, attention to the long-term impacts of climate change is growing. In 2022, Measuring Impact II (MI2) helped USAID review 111 activities over the last 10 years to understand how the Agency’s Biodiversity programming is already addressing climate impacts, and to identify practices that can be improved for greater impact. This slide deck presents the results of this stocktaking activity, as presented across USAID. ['Biodiversity', 'Measuring Impact II', 'MI2', 'Resources', 'Learning and Evidence', 'Learning Group Resources', 'Report', 'Climate', 'Resilience', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)', 'Learning & Evidence'] Dec 22, 2023 08:36 PM File
Community Based Natural Resources (CBNRM) Assessment Working Group Community Based Natural Resources (CBNRM) Assessment Working Group The CBNRM working group project assessed the state of community-based natural resource management. It focused on the CBNRM principles that apply across a broad range of sub-sectors and landscapes, which could be used to guide program design and implementation, particularly in climate change and food security initiatives. CBNRM principles are in essence the principles found in the Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP) document (USAID, 2002 ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management'] Sep 04, 2012 12:45 PM Folder
Environmental Communication, Learning and Outreach (ECO) Environmental Communication, Learning and Outreach (ECO) USAID’s Environmental Communication, Learning and Outreach contract was a five-year project to improve learning and communications in the Environmental and Natural Resource Management and Global Climate Change sectors. ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed', 'Archive'] Jun 21, 2016 10:10 AM Folder
Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment for the USAID/Southern Africa ECCO Activity Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment for the USAID/Southern Africa ECCO Activity The objective of this feasibility assessment is to assess the possible evaluation options for the USAID/Southern Africa Regional Ecosystems, Communities and Climate, Cubango-Okavango (ECCO) activity in Angola. The assessment considers evaluation design options that meet priority learning objectives related to cross-sectoral benefits, attitude and behavior change, threat reduction, and biophysical impacts, with the goal of determining the most rigorous options that can be applied given implementation, resources, and other constraints. ['Biodiversity', '2024', 'Africa', 'Southern Africa', 'Climate', 'Report', 'Impact Assessment', 'Evaluation', 'HEARTH', 'HEARTH Evidence', 'HEARTH Resources', 'Evidence'] Apr 22, 2024 08:58 PM File
Sharing Environment and Energy Knowledge (SEEK) Sharing Environment and Energy Knowledge (SEEK) SEEK supported USAID’s Bureau of Economic Growth, Education and Environment (E3) in building effective processes and strategies for training, communication, knowledge management and organizational development and facilitation. SEEK worked directly with four E3 offices: Energy and Infrastructure, Forestry and Biodiversity, Global Climate Change, and Water. ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed'] Nov 16, 2018 08:52 PM Folder
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