Climate Evidence and Guidance

Untangling the Drivers of Land Conversion in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia: A Systems Approach

May 22, 2024 · File

This learning brief highlights findings from a systems mapping research study to investigate what drives smallholder farmers to convert natural lands to agriculture production spaces in three high biodiversity regions: Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia.

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USAID Climate Strategy 2022-2030

Apr 21, 2022 · File

Climate change is a global crisis.

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Concept Note: Managing Deep Peatland In Singkil, Aceh: Achieving The Goals Of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction And Biodiversity Conservation

Jan 17, 2021 · File

This report provides a brief yet informative analysis of the crucial role of peatlands in the ecosystems of Aceh Province, Indonesia.

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Understanding the Drivers of Deforestation and the Policies Incentivizing Forest Conversion in Forest and Peatland in the Leuser Landscape

Jan 17, 2021 · File

This report provides an analysis of encroachment and the drivers of deforestation and peatland conversion in the Leuser Landscape, with a focus on Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve (WR).

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Lessons Learned Technical Brief: Multi-Layered Conservation Management in Leuser Landscape

Jan 17, 2021 · File

One of the primary USAID LESTARI project goals is to conserve biodiversity in carbon rich and biologically important forest and mangrove ecosystems.

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Facilitating Zero Deforestation Pledge from Indonesian Essential Oils Industry

Jan 17, 2021 · File

USAID LESTARI works with a range of private sector partners operating within its landscapes in order to secure their commitments towards low emissions business practices that reduce deforestation and improve conditions for biodiversity conservation.

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Zambia Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM) Report

Dec 11, 2017 · File

With the development of Zambia’s first Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM), the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) will endeavour to take action on women’s leadership in the context of climate change.

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USAID Ecosystem-based Adaptation Series Synthesis

Apr 29, 2019 · File

This synthesis document draws on a series of evidence summaries and case studies generated by USAID that highlight the potential role of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to address climate vulnerabilities and contribute to development results.

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Evidence Summary: Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Water Security

Aug 30, 2017 · File

This evidence summary highlights ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches that can help people and communities address water insecurity by increasing water quantity, enhancing water quality and minimizing impacts from extreme weather events.

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Evidence Summary: Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Coastal Populations

Jul 31, 2018 · File

This evidence summary highlights ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches that can help coastal populations build resilience to climate change, including the establishment and management of protected areas, effective coastal land use planning, ecosystem restoration, sustainable fisheries management and the use of green infrastructure, among others.

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Biodiversity and Development Handbook

Jul 08, 2015 · File

The 2015 USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook is a foundational resource for implementation of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy.

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USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook - Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Development Intersections

Oct 30, 2015 · File

The USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook contains sections in Chapter Four that are a primer on integration of biodiversity into key development sectors.

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Incorporating Geospatial Analysis into USAID Biodiversity Program Design

Jul 06, 2017 · File

Incorporating Geospatial Analysis into USAID Biodiversity Program Design is a biodiversity case example that describes the use of geospatial data and analysis for program design, including examples and lessons learned.

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USAID’s Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Programs, 2016 Annual Report

Feb 23, 2018 · File

In FY 2016, USAID field conservation programs improved natural resource management in highly biodiverse areas across more than 57 million hectares, an area about the size of Colorado and Nevada combined.

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Measuring Impact: Lessons Learned from the Forest, Climate and Communities Alliance

Jul 22, 2015 · File

MI is a five-year USAID project executed by the E3/FAB Office designed to improve the Agency’s practice of conservation by building USAID’s capacity to better design, manage, evaluate, and learn from biodiversity conservation initiatives.

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LESTARI Fast Facts on its biodiversity conservation work

Jul 29, 2016 · File

LESTARI, meaning "everlasting" in Bahasa Indonesia, is a sustainable forest management project.

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Toward Zero-Deforestation Oil Palm in Peru: Understanding Actors, Markets, and Barriers

Jun 03, 2015 · File

Large, commercial agriculture and timber enterprises are the principal agents of tropical deforestation in a number of countries, with four key commodities of soy, beef, palm oil, and pulp and paper being key drivers of tropical deforestation globally.

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Comprendre l’utilisation des terres dans la CCNUCC

Mar 12, 2015 · File

Ce Guide a pour but d’améliorer la compréhension technique du traitement de l’utilisation des terres au titre de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique (CCNUCC).

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Les mangroves en Afrique de l'ouest Note d' orientation

May 04, 2015 · File

Cette note fournit des informations et des recommandations aux décideurs, chercheurs et spécialistes au sein des gouvernements nationaux ou des institutions régionales d’Afrique de l’Ouest sur les moyens destinés à améliorer les stratégies de gestion des mangroves et à déterminer les liens avec le changement climatique.

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