Despite tremendous gains in food production over the last 50 years, more than 800 million people around the world are chronically undernourished; two billion are micronutrient deficient; and 159 million children under five are stunted, forever robbing them of opportunities to reach their full potential. At the same time, ecosystems provide goods and services that support food production—including fish provision, water provision, pest control, and pollination—and biodiversity programming can have significant positive impacts on food security. Agriculture programming can also increase productivity and incomes while minimizing impacts on the environment.

Key Information

Tema fishing port Ghana_credit A. Kauffeld USAID

The Importance of Wild Fisheries for Local Food Security

Sustainable management of wild fisheries is critical for achieving food security and poverty reduction in many developing countries. Fish are the world’s most widely traded food products and some of the most nutritious. Read about the role of wild fisheries in nine Feed the Future countries.
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Pollinators Earth Day 2019. Credit: cocoparisienne from Pixabay

The Importance of Wild Pollinators for Food Security and Nutrition

Pollination is a crucial ecosystem service that increases the yield and quality of many crops that are important to food security. Wild pollinators like bees, birds, butterflies, and bats transfer pollen among flowers to enable crop fertilization and reproduction.
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Women hold seeds in Kenya. Credit: Matthew Erdman USAID

Evidence Summary: Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Food Security

Ecosystem-based adaptation can increase the resilience of food production. Effective approaches include planting shade trees to improve soil fertility and support pollinators, restoring and managing watersheds to maintain water supply for irrigation, and intercropping to improve resistance to pest outbreaks.
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