Gender and Biodiversity Evidence and Guidance
Reducing corruption’s impact on natural resources: How does a gender lens help?
Evidence shows that women and other groups that face power inequity have an essential role to play in achieving natural resource management and conservation results.
Gender-based violence and environment linkages: The violence of inequality
Rooted in discriminatory gender norms and laws and shrouded in impunity, gender-based violence (GBV) occurs in all societies as a means of control, subjugation and exploitation that further reinforces gender inequality.
Advancing Gender in the Environment: Cultivating a More Equitable and Inclusive TFA 2020
A resource guide on how to promote gender equity and inclusion to empower women, indigenous peoples, and vulnerable groups in TFA 2020 activities.
Advancing Gender in the Environment: Gender in Fisheries—A Sea of Opportunities
Produced by USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GenDev), USAID’s Office of Forestry and Biodiversity (FAB), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the guide provides an overview of the unique roles and contributions women make in the wild-caught fisheries sector.
USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook - Chapter 3.1.6: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Chapter 3.
Towards gender-equitable small-scale fisheries governance and development: A handbook
This handbook provides essential background knowledge on women and understanding gender.
Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture
This factsheet presents an overview on current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector.
Gender mainstreaming in fisheries management: A training manual. The USAID/Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP)
This manual has been produce to assist the Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) partners in Ghana as they work to mainstream gender into fisheries co-management.
LGBT Vision for Action
LGBT Vision For Action: Promoting and Supporting the Inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals Stigmatization and discrimination can deprive LGBT persons of human rights, render them vulnerable to high levels of abuse and violence, and bar them from taking advantage of many of the opportunities and resources available to their fellow citizens.
Making Gender Count: Leveraging M&E to Mainstream Gender
South Asia is one of the most water-scarce regions of the world.
In search of the lost gender: Equity in protected areas
The book In Search of the Lost Gender, is a conceptual and methodological proposal that provides tools, techniques and recommendations to build processes to promote gender-equitable perspectives in protected areas.
Gender and REDD+ Learning Exchange, 13-15 May 2014: Technical Workshop Summary Report
As a first activity under AGENT (then GECCO) in 2014, this workshop marked a significant first step in the organizations’ collaborative effort to enhance action on gender-responsive climate change action.
The Association of Indigenous Village Leaders (VIDS): Ensuring Community Voices Influence National Policy in Suriname: A local to national policy-level initiative
The Association of Indigenous Village Leaders (Vereniging van Inheemse Dorpshoofden in Suriname – “VIDS”) is an association of indigenous village leaders from every indigenous village in Suriname.
The African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF): Empowering African Women to Influence REDD+
The African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (Réseau des Femmes Africaines pour la Gestion Communautaire des Forêts, or “REFACOF”) aims to make concrete, meaningful, and effective contributions to forest governance in order to influence national policies and international frameworks regarding women’s rights and tenure in member countries.
Zambia Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM) Report
With the development of Zambia’s first Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP:ZM), the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) will endeavour to take action on women’s leadership in the context of climate change.
Integrating Gender in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: Pilot Project Process and Initial Considerations
This report provides an overview of a pilot project undertaken in 2016 to build the capacity of developing country Parties to integrate gender into their revised national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs).
CIFOR’s Gender Research: Approaches, Achievements, and Impacts
CIFOR’s Gender Research: Approaches, Achievements & Impacts.
Equal Opportunities, Gender, Justice, and Tenure: 2017 Research Opportunities
A presentation on Equal Opportunities, Gender, Justice, and Tenure (EGT) in the 2016-2025 CIFOR Strategy.
La culture itinérante, le genre et la REDD+ au Cameroun et en République Démocratique du Congo
La culture itinérante – également appelée culture sur brûlis, ou culture de rotation – est le système de gestion des ressources naturelles sur lequel reposent la production alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance dans les zones forestière d’Afrique centrale et nombre d’autres pays.
Gender in REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators
The main objective of this booklet is to support local trainers and facilitators, who already have a basic understanding of climate change and REDD+, by providing them with useful information on gender considerations for climate change and REDD+ related training and capacity development programs.