'Such Misconducts Don't Make a Good Ranger': Examining Law Enforcement Ranger Wrongdoing in Uganda
The author holds confidential interviews with almost a third of the UWA rangers working in Queen Elizabeth National Park to understand what kinds of rules are broken and why.
['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'Gov Community', 'Communities', 'Resources']
2007/6 TransLinks "Nature, Wealth, & Power Workshop" Quezon City, Philippines
June 20-21, 2007, Quezon City, Philippines. This workshop entitled “Translinks: Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Good Governance Workshop” was hosted by EnterpriseWorks/VITA and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Workshop', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)']
2008/9 Katoomba XIII Meeting - Taking Stock and Charting a Way Forward for Payments for Ecosystem Services in Africa A Meeting of the East & Southern Africa Katoomba Group (Dar-es-salaam and Morogoro, Tanzania)
September 16-18, 2008, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania and September 18-20, 2008, Morogoro, Tanzania - This 2008 East and Southern African Katoomba Group meeting was hosted by the Katoomba Group and Forest Trends, with support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Community-based Conservation', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Water Resource Management', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Workshop', 'Carbon Markets', 'PES General', 'Community-Based Enterprises', 'CBNRM']
2009/05 Forests, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services Training Pretoria, South Africa
May 11-13, 2009, Pretoria, South Africa - Workshop on Ecosystem Services, Forests, and Climate Change. The event was organized by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), World Agroforestry Centre (aka ICRAF), Forest Trends, the Katoomba Group and USAID/EGAT’s Climate Change, Forestry, and Land Team, and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'CBNRM', 'News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'Carbon', 'PES General', 'Community-Based Enterprises', 'Trainings & Tools']
2009/10 Katoomba XV Meeting - Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa (Accra, Ghana)
October 6‐10, 2009, Accra, Ghana - The meeting on "Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa" was hosted by the Katoomba Group, Forest Trends, and the Nature Conservation Research Center (NCRC) and was made possible by support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, NORAD, Rockefeller Foundation, Rainforest Alliance, Price Waterhouse Coopers and USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Forest Trends', 'PES', 'Workshop', 'CBNRM', 'PES General', 'Carbon', 'Community-Based Enterprises']
2010 Katoomba XVII Meeting - Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia (Hanoi, Vietnam)
June 23-24, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. The meeting was co-hosted by the Katoomba Group, Forest Trends, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrock International, and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks']
2010/2 Marine Katoomba Meeting XVI (Palo Alto, California, USA)
February 9‐10, 2010, Palo Alto, California, USA - Workshop entitled "Katoomba XVI: Building a Blueprint to Harness New Investment for the Protection of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services". Event was hosted by the Katoomba Group, Forest Trends, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'PES Marine', 'Workshop']
2010/6 South East Asia Katoomba Meeting XVII- Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia (Hanoi, Vietnam)
June 23‐24, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam - Workshop entitled "Katoomba XVII: Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia" was hosted by Forest Trends, the Katoomba Group, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Vietnam, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrock International, and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'PES', 'Workshop', 'CBNRM', 'PES General', 'REDD+', 'Co-Management', 'PES Marine', 'FRAME', 'Trainings & Tools']
A Framework for Monitoring, Evaluating, and Learning from Conservation Enterprises
The Conservation Enterprise Learning Group developed a MEL framework for USAID and Implementing Partner staff to use to inform the adaptive management of their CE programs. This framework provides guidance for how to monitor conservation enterprise programs along a theory of change by applying both standard and custom indicators to measure the extent to which conservation enterprises achieve desired biodiversity conservation outcomes.
['Economic Growth', 'Conservation Enterprises Resources', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'Monitoring', 'Learning Group', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'MEL', 'Tool', 'Global', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'Biodiversity', 'Featured Resources', 'CE', 'Learning', 'Livelihoods', 'MI2', 'Evaluation', 'Measuring Impact II', 'Resources', 'Measuring Impact II (MI2) Tools and Approaches']
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resource Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector
CBNRM: AN ASSESSMENT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance. Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) has been a rural development strategy for over 30 years. This paper has a two-fold objective: to assess the CBNRM experience in order to improve the performance of CBNRM itself, and to evaluate the lessons learned from CBNRM for critical issues – especially food security and climate change. Featured June, 2013
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Feature', 'CBNRM', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories']
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resources Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector
CBNRM: An assessment with recommendations for the future. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance.
['Energy Production and Mining', 'Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Technical Capacity', 'Human Intrusions and Disturbance', 'RMP', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Climate Change and Severe Weather', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Inputs', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Profit Potential', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Communities']
A Meta-Analysis on Global Change Drivers and the Risk of Infectious Disease
The authors reviewed literature that contains 2,938 observations of infectious disease responses to global change drivers across 1,497 host–parasite combinations, including plant, animal and human hosts. We found that biodiversity loss, chemical pollution, climate change and introduced species are associated with increases in disease-related end points or harm, whereas urbanization is associated with decreases in disease end points.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Global', 'Review', 'Infectious Disease']
A One Health Approach to Tackling AMR and Why Gender Matters: Findings from Pastoralist Communities in Tanzania
This paper focuses on the gendered risk of AMR through a study of gender and social determinants of access to and use of antimicrobials in low-resource pastoralist settings in Tanzania.
['One Health', 'Tanzania', 'Africa', '2024', 'Biodiversity', 'Governance/Management', 'Case Study']
A One Health Google Earth Engine Web‐GIS Application to Evaluate and Monitor Water Quality Worldwide
This study aimed to develop a Google Earth Engine app for indirect monitoring and assessment of water quality based on Sentinel-2 from a One Health perspective.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Global', 'Tool', 'Ecosystem Health']
A Political Ecology Lens for Addressing Corruption in Conservation and Natural Resource Management
The “political” nature of corruption makes it a structural driver of conservation and natural resource management (NRM) threats and a barrier to better outcomes. Understanding the political context for conservation work is critical to more effectively addressing corruption’s impact on conservation and NRM outcomes. Political ecology can help better analyze dimensions of politics and power in a given conservation/NRM context and integrates nature into this political understanding. As such, it helps practitioners to develop better strategic approaches to their work.
['Featured Resources', 'TNRC', 'Learning Group', 'Democracy', 'Rights', 'TNRC Resources', 'Crimes', 'Democracy, Rights, and Governance', 'Biodiversity', 'Conservation', 'Governance', 'Democracy, Rights, and Governance (DRG)', 'Conservation Crimes', 'Fact Sheet', 'DRG']
A Retrospective of the USAID/Indonesia Environment and Natural Resources Program: Reflections on 30 Years of Experience and Prospects for the Future
The report provides historical analysis of USAID/Indonesia's longstanding Natural Resources Management program, which has continued over nearly 30 years addressing many issues in the terrestrial and marine environments in Indonesia. The report further provides recommendations for future programming of environmental assistance to Indonesia.
['BiodiversityLinks', 'Indonesia', 'Asia and the Near East', 'Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'Report']
ABCG Report on HIV/AIDS and Natural Resource Management in Africa: Findings from Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Uganda by Dr. Jane Dwasi
Report describing the impacts of HIV/AIDS on NRM and highlights coping strategies from conservation government agencies, NGOs, and communities in East and Southern Africa
['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Natural Resources Management', 'Training', 'Library', 'Content', 'HIV Aids', 'CBNRM', 'Gender', 'Resources']
ABCG-BCTF Meeting Minutes on Innovative Actions to Address the Bushmeat Crisis
On 7 March 2001, the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) and the Bushmeat Crisis Task Force (BCTF) held a meeting on “Innovative Actions to Address the Bushmeat Crisis” that was organized by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Conservation International (CI), and hosted and chaired by WWF. More than 50 participants representing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, international institutions, and universities participated. The objective of the meeting was to identify organizational interests in working collaboratively on on-the-ground actions to address the Bushmeat crisis in Africa. Published 2003
['Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'CBNRM', 'Learning Group']
Access to Human Health Benefits of Forests in Rural Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Literature Review and Conceptual Framework
Forests have been increasingly recognized for their beneficial contribution to human health, in addition to their established roles in biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and poverty alleviation. Though forests are linked to some negative health outcomes, the effects of forests on human health are overwhelmingly beneficial. This paper discusses a constellation of interconnected factors that influence access to forest health benefits in rural communities in low- and middle-income countries.
['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Global', 'Framework', 'Human Well-Being', '2024']
Accessing, harvesting and trading in wildlife: Corruption in the use of permits and allocation of access rights
Legal harvest or trade in wildlife, fisheries and forest products typically involves obtaining access rights and permits. Corruption in these processes undermines regulations that promote sustainability and legality and address disease risk. Strategies to address abuse of these processes include a range of regulatory and administrative reforms, but implementation is not a simple matter of increasing employee pay or cutting bureaucratic red tape. Recognizing and mapping the political, economic and social power dynamics that shape regulations and enforcement may indicate larger problems in the enabling environment that should inform strategies for addressing corruption risks in wildlife harvest and trade.
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'TNRC', 'Conservation', 'Targeting Natural Resource Corruption', 'Technical Brief', 'Crimes', 'Conservation Crimes', 'Corruption', 'TNRC Resources']
Actions for Promoting Transparent Natural Resource Governance in Colombia | An Overview
This executive summary presents the main topics addressed in the research project for the study of the drivers, the scope of the recommendations to counteract acts of corruption and its link with organized crime, as well as the relevance of addressing the prioritized actions.
['TNRC', 'Learning Group', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Crimes', 'Forestry', 'Biodiversity', 'Conservation', 'Colombia', 'Report', 'Targeting Natural Resource Corruption', 'Conservation Crimes', 'TNRC Resources']
Addressing corruption in CITES documentation processes
Abuse of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) permits and certificates is a global issue that affects a wide range of species and can take place across the entire trade chain. Commerce in precious timber, caviar and live animals including primates, birds and reptiles, is particularly vulnerable. Methods of abuse range widely and all can be facilitated by corruption. The involvement of corrupt officials, including high-level individuals, makes this problem more difficult to solve.
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'TNRC', 'CWT', 'BiodiversityLinks', 'Conservation', 'Technical Brief', 'Crimes', 'Policy', 'Targeting Natural Resource Corruption', 'Combating Wildlife Trafficking', 'Conservation Crimes', 'Corruption', 'TNRC Resources']
Advancing Gender in the Environment: Strengthening Roots for Equality and Sustainability
A review of AGENT’s FY18 results, reach, and impact.
['IUCN', 'Biodiversity', 'Featured Resources', 'AGENT Resources', 'Advancing Gender in the Environment', 'AGENT']
Advancing Gender in the Environment: Cultivating a More Equitable and Inclusive TFA 2020
A resource guide on how to promote gender equity and inclusion to empower women, indigenous peoples, and vulnerable groups in TFA 2020 activities.
['Biodiversity', 'Gender', 'Tool', 'AGENT', 'IUCN', 'Featured Resources', 'AGENT Resources', 'Indigenous Peoples', 'Advancing Gender in the Environment']
Advancing Gender in the Environment: Gender in Fisheries—A Sea of Opportunities
Produced by USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GenDev), USAID’s Office of Forestry and Biodiversity (FAB), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the guide provides an overview of the unique roles and contributions women make in the wild-caught fisheries sector. The guide also explains how persistent gender inequalities limit women’s economic empowerment, and increased risks of gender-based violence negatively impact the potential of women to thrive and contribute towards strong economies. Gender in Fisheries – A Sea of Opportunities summarizes research on the intersection of gender and wild-caught fisheries, exploring the ways in which fisheries offer important entry points to enhance gender equality and women’s economic empowerment while also contributing to more effective interventions and more sustainable outcomes. This guide will be an important resource, particularly for USAID missions and implementing partners working in sustainable fisheries management. Development practitioners can use the guide to access the latest evidence on gender empowerment and sustainable fisheries management; find tools and resources to conduct gender analyses; design strategic interventions to strengthen program design and implementation through the development of comprehensive gender action plans; and learn more about how to develop results chains to help programs define goals and refine assumptions.
['Marine Conservation and Fisheries', 'Gender', 'Research', 'Biodiversity', 'BiodiversityLinks', 'Livelihoods', 'Economic Growth', 'Featured Resources', 'Learning Group', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'AGENT', 'Fisheries', 'Key Resources', 'AGENT Resources', 'Report', 'Advancing Gender in the Environment', 'Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries', 'Marine Conservation']
Advancing Global Food Security in the Face of a Changing Climate
This report puts forward recommendations for how the US government can better address climate change through its policies on global agricultural development. It argues for the United States to rally international resources and deploy its agricultural research enterprise—its universities, research institutes, and agrifood businesses—to gather more information about how climate change will affect the global food system and develop the innovations to manage its impacts. It presents evidence that by enhancing the public sector’s partnerships with businesses and civil society, solutions that benefit populations around the world, from farmers in Africa to those in the United States, can be found. Featured July, 2014.
['Chicago Council on Global Affairs', 'Food Security', 'Climate Change', 'Feature', 'Biodiversity', 'CSA: Featured Story', 'Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories']
Advancing Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: Lessons Drawn from the Evidence
Participatory natural resource management (PNRM) has important effects on broader democratic outcomes that should be considered in environment and DRG programming. This technical brief provides a summary of lessons learned from more than 150 relevant articles.
['Biodiversity', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'INRM', 'Climate', 'Natural Resource Management', 'New Resources', 'Global', 'Resources']
Agenda - Southeast Asia KatoombaXVII Meeting in Vietnam
Agenda for Southeast Asia Katoomba XVII meeting entitled "Katoomba XV11 Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia" in Hanoi Vietnam, June 23-24 2010
['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Asia', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'USAID', 'CBNRM', 'Payments for Ecosystem', 'Co-Management']
Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 1
Agricultural Diversification for the Poor: Guidelines for Practitioners
['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Poverty Reduction Seminar', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Gender', 'Training', 'Library', 'Agricultural Diversification', 'Growth', 'Health', 'Seminar Reading List 1', 'Guide', 'Resources']