Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Evidence and Guidance
Building accountable resource governance institutions
Formal institutions are central actors in natural resource governance decisions and a key arena in which policies, laws and regulations ranging from forest concessions to trade in wildlife products are negotiated and implemented.
Discussion Note 2.0 – Thinking and Working Politically: Linkages and Lessons from Biodiversity Conservation
In 2018, USAID's Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance published a guide for practitioners on thinking and working politically through applied political economy analysis, and the following year the Office of Forestry and Biodiversity released a first discussion note on thinking and working politically that focused on strengthening political economy analysis in USAID biodiversity programming.
A Political Ecology Lens for Addressing Corruption in Conservation and Natural Resource Management
The “political” nature of corruption makes it a structural driver of conservation and natural resource management (NRM) threats and a barrier to better outcomes.
Reducing corruption’s impact on natural resources: How does a gender lens help?
Evidence shows that women and other groups that face power inequity have an essential role to play in achieving natural resource management and conservation results.
Gender-based violence and environment linkages: The violence of inequality
Rooted in discriminatory gender norms and laws and shrouded in impunity, gender-based violence (GBV) occurs in all societies as a means of control, subjugation and exploitation that further reinforces gender inequality.
Targeting Natural Resource Corruption Project Overview
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recognizes that corruption in the natural resource sectors undermines global development and biodiversity conservation efforts.
Democracy, Human Rights and Governance and Biodiversity Conservation Linkages
This document provides examples of how and where USAID has advanced democracy, rights, and governance (DRG) objectives—such as participation, inclusion, transparency, and accountability.
Equal Opportunities, Gender, Justice, and Tenure: 2017 Research Opportunities
A presentation on Equal Opportunities, Gender, Justice, and Tenure (EGT) in the 2016-2025 CIFOR Strategy.
Stakeholder Engagement for Biodiversity Conservation Goals: Assessing the Status of the Evidence
Learning how to communicate and work with different groups builds constituencies to support conservation aims.
Guidelines for Learning and Applying the Natural Resource Governance Tool (NRGT) in Landscapes and Seascapes
This guide, which has been tested in eleven landscapes, provides one approach to identifying the most important groups with rights to manage natural resources within a landscape or seascape, characterizing a small set of factors believed to be essential elements of good natural resource governance, and assessing the governance strengths and weaknesses of each group.
SCAPES Governance Assessment Tool
The guide, tested in three of the SCAPES landscapes (the Ustyurt Plateau, the Kilimanjaro landscape and the Greater Madidi-Tambopata landscape), helps practitioners — from governments to civil society groups — to identify key groups that govern access to and use of natural resources in a given landscape, and to assess those groups’ strengths and weaknesses.
Nature, Wealth, Power 2.0: Leveraging Natural and Social Capital for Resilient Development
This volume is a sequel to the original Nature, Wealth, & Power framework paper (NWP1), produced in 2002.
USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook - Chapter 4.8: Democracy, Rights and Governance
Chapter 4.
USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook 2015 - Chapter 4.7: Society, Culture, and Institutions
Chapter 4.
USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook - Chapter 4.9: Land and Marine Tenure and Property Rights
Chapter 4.
USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook - Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Development Intersections
The USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook contains sections in Chapter Four that are a primer on integration of biodiversity into key development sectors.
Appuyer la REDD+ dans les pays en développement : Examen des options en matière de politiques
L’objectif de ce document est d’évaluer le potentiel d’un éventail d’options de politiques de marché et hors marché à la disposition de pays en développement souhaitant contribuer à une solution mondiale face au changement climatique par la réduction des émissions résultant de la déforestation et de la dégradation des forêts, la conservation de la forêt, la gestion durable des forêts et l’accroissement des stocks de carbone forestier (REDD+) et fournir des co-bénéfices supplémentaires.
Appuyer la REDD+ dans les pays en développement : Examen des options en matière de politiques
L’objectif de ce document est d’évaluer le potentiel d’un éventail d’options de politiques de marché et hors marché à la disposition de pays en développement souhaitant contribuer à une solution mondiale face au changement climatique par la réduction des émissions résultant de la déforestation et de la dégradation des forêts, la conservation de la forêt, la gestion durable des forêts et l’accroissement des stocks de carbone forestier (REDD+) et fournir des co-bénéfices supplémentaires.
Apoio à REDD+ em países em desenvolvimento: uma análise de opções de políticas
Este documento tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de diversas opções de políticas de mercado e não baseadas em mercado disponíveis para países em desenvolvimento dispostos a contribuir para se obter uma solução para a mudança climática global reduzindo emissões provenientes de desflorestamento e degradação das florestas, conservação e manejo sustentável de florestas, aumento de estoques de carbono florestal (REDD+) e fornecer benefícios agregados adicionais.
Biodiversity and Development Handbook
The 2015 USAID Biodiversity and Development Handbook is a foundational resource for implementation of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy.