Wild Meat Learning Group Resources

Webinar 4 Presentation: Sustainable Wildlife Management

Aug 23, 2023 · File

USAID's Wild Meat Collaborative Learning Group is hosting a four-part webinar series.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Trends in Southern Africa

Jun 01, 2022 · File

This rapid review focuses on the impact COVID-19 pandemic om poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking.

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Wild Meat Is Still on the Menu: Progress in Wild Meat Research, Policy, and Practice from 2002 to 2020

Jun 01, 2022 · File

To address these intractable challenges, this paper proposes eight new recommendations for research and action for sustainable wild meat use, which would support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Empowering Cambodian Youth to Reduce Bushmeat Demand: USAID Cambodia Green Future

Jan 17, 2024 · File

This case study describes how USAID Cambodia Green Future, implemented by ECODIT and FHI 360, uses a social and behavior change communications approach (SBCC) to empower Cambodian citizens and civil society, especially the youth population, to promote the conservation of the country’s natural resources.

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Exploring the Connection between Poultry Production and Reduced Wild Meat Consumption: USAID Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production

Jan 18, 2024 · File

USAID launched the Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production activity in September 2020.

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Webinar Presentation: Why Eat Wild Meat?

Oct 27, 2021 · File

Webinar slides from "Why Eat Wild Meat?" webinar.

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Webinar Presentation: Tanzania's Trade in Wild Meat: Reducing Risks and Managing Demand

Dec 06, 2021 · File

Tanzania legalized the game meat trade in 2020 in an effort to stop illegal hunting, boost its agricultural sector, and provide employment to local communities.

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Webinar Presentation: Importance of Wild Meat and Fish for Children’s Nutritional Intake in the Congo Basin

May 30, 2023 · File

In this webinar, Amy Ickowitz from the Center for International Forestry Research presents research exploring the contribution of wild meat and fish to children’s nutritional status in the humid zone of the Congo Basin.

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Wild meat trade over the last 45 years in the Peruvian Amazon

Jun 01, 2022 · File

Community-based wildlife management, trade bans for threatened taxa and enforced hygiene practices in wild meat markets are needed to protect biodiversity and public health.

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Prevalence of sustainable and unsustainable use of wild species inferred from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Jun 01, 2022 · File

Of 10,098 species on the IUCN Red List that are harvested, use is likely biologically unsustainable for 16% and sustainable for 34%.

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Wildmeat consumption and child health in Amazonia

Jun 01, 2022 · File

Consuming wildmeat may protect against iron-deficiency anemia, a serious public health problem globally.

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Webinar Presentation: Poultry Production in Northern Republic of the Congo

Sep 29, 2021 · File

In the northern Republic of the Congo, local communities’ demand for wild meat for food and income is driving the unsustainable harvesting of wildlife products.

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USAID Wild Meat Learning Agenda

Nov 08, 2021 · File

Wild meat, also known as “bushmeat,” refers to the meat of wildlife species hunted or collected for human consumption.

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Webinar 2 Presentation: Wild Meat Enforcement and Governance

Jun 01, 2023 · File

USAID's Wild Meat Collaborative Learning Group is hosting a four-part webinar series.

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CONNECTing Wildlife and Wild Meat: USAID Conserving Natural Capital and Enhancing Collaborative Management of Transboundary Resources in East Africa

Apr 18, 2024 · File

This case study showcases Conserving Natural Capital and Enhancing Collaborative Management of Transboundary Resources in East Africa (CONNECT) activity's efforts to raise awareness of the economic, intrinsic, and ecosystem-service value of living wildlife and ultimately mitigate poaching for the commercial wild meat market across Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Rwanda.

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Webinar 3 Presentation: Wild Meat and One Health

Aug 23, 2023 · File

USAID's Wild Meat Collaborative Learning Group is hosting a four-part webinar series.

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Collaborating to Connect: Cross-Sectoral Efforts to Conserve Wildlife, Achieve Food Security, and Combat Zoonotic Diseases

Sep 27, 2021 · File

This evidence brief primarily summarizes research entitled, “Food Security, Health, and Biodiversity: Can Cross-Sector Solutions Assure Bushmeat Emerges as a 21st Century Sustainable Food?” conducted by Dr.

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Why eat wild meat? Factors affecting the success of alternative protein projects

Sep 27, 2021 · File

Hunting wildlife for meat widely practiced in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) but also widely understood to be unsustainable in many countries.

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Using conservation criminology to understand the role of restaurants in the urban wild meat trade

Sep 27, 2021 · File

At unsustainable rates and in illegal contexts, the wild meat trade is a driver of species extinction; it can also threaten ecosystem services, local food security and contribute to the risk of zoonotic disease spread.

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