Economic Growth/Livelihoods Case Studies

Exploring the Connection between Poultry Production and Reduced Wild Meat Consumption: USAID Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production

Jan 18, 2024 · File

USAID launched the Conserving the Biodiversity of Northern Congo by Diversifying the Livelihoods of Bushmeat Value Chain Agents and Increasing Poultry Production activity in September 2020.

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Community Stewards of Natural Resources: Integrating Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance with Sustainable Forest Management in Liberia

Oct 06, 2020 · story

One of two 2019 USAID Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition winners and recognized by the judges as a compelling example of integration that shows how a Mission’s Economic Growth and Democracy, Rights, and Governance Offices worked together to address biodiversity loss, promote sustainable community forest management, and strengthen forest governance.

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Turning to Science to Build Consensus: The Seasonal Fishing Closure in Balayan Bay, Philippines

Oct 06, 2020 · story

Recognized by the Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition judges as an example of a biodiversity-funded activity that generated economic growth and democracy and governance benefits.

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Alternative Livelihoods Create Incentives for Stewardship: Sustainable Marine Resource Use for People in Eastern Indonesia

Oct 06, 2020 · story

This case study describes how USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) promotes integrated approaches to improve the governance and management of fisheries and marine resources, conserve biodiversity, and enhance food security and sustainable livelihoods.

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Incorporating Political and Economic Approaches: CARPE’s Longstanding Biodiversity Conservation Efforts

Sep 30, 2020 · story

This case study shares the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment's (CARPE) evolution from one of USAID’s largest biodiversity programs to an integrated program that is achieving biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscapes goals while also advancing democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) and economic growth considerations.

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Wildlife and Communities Gain: Transforming Approaches to Conservation in Kenya

Sep 24, 2020 · story

One of two 2019 USAID Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition winners and recognized by the judges as an example of integrated, community-driven wildlife conservation that has made remarkable improvements in peace and security, governance, economic growth, and biodiversity conservation over time.

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Global Learning and Experience Exchange Posters July 2019

Jan 29, 2020 · File

At the July 2019 USAID Environment Officers’ Conference, USAID's Conservation Enterprise Learning group hosted a Global Learning and Experience Exchange (GLEE).

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Global Learning and Experience Exchange: Conservation Enterprise Posters

Jan 29, 2020 · File

At the July 2019 USAID Environment Officers’ Conference, USAID's Conservation Enterprise Learning group hosted a Global Learning and Experience Exchange (GLEE).

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Case Study: Conserving Ecosystems to Support Climate Resilience in Bangladesh

Mar 28, 2018 · File

This ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) case study highlights the USAID/Bangladesh mission’s Climate-Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) project, which focused on conserving biodiversity and strengthening ecosystems in four rural, biologically significant regions to help communities adapt to climate change.

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Elephant Pepper: Establishing Conservation-Focused Business

Feb 05, 2016 · File

This case study examines the development of a commercial product at the intersection of biodiversity conservation, economic development, and improvement in the livelihoods of poor African farmers.

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Elephant Pepper: Establishing Conservation-Focused Business

Feb 05, 2016 · File

This case study examines the development of a commercial product at the intersection of biodiversity conservation, economic development, and improvement in the livelihoods of poor African farmers.

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Tmatboey Community-Based Ecotourism Project, Cambodia

Feb 04, 2016 · File

Case study of the Tmatboey Ibis Project which aims to conserve the globally threatened large waterbirds found at Tmatboey, Cambodiam using the ibises as ‘flagships’, by establishing a local community-based tourism enterprise that directly links revenue received to long-term species conservation.

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Tmatboey Community-Based Ecotourism Project, Cambodia

Feb 04, 2016 · File

Case study of the Tmatboey Ibis Project which aims to conserve the globally threatened large waterbirds found at Tmatboey, Cambodiam using the ibises as ‘flagships’, by establishing a local community-based tourism enterprise that directly links revenue received to long-term species conservation.

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Evidence of Payments for Ecosystem Services as a mechanism for supporting biodiversity conservation and rural livelihoods

Sep 01, 2014 · File

Abstract: Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) represent a mechanism for promoting sustainable management of ecosystem services, and can also be useful for supporting rural development.

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SCALE Case Study Kenya Transforming the Kenyan Dairy Feeds System to Improve Farmer Productivity and Livelihoods Featured August 18, 2010

Jul 30, 2014 · File

SCALE® Case Study Kenya SUMMARYAgricultural Partnerships for Productivity and Prosperity Project (AP3) demonstration of the application of SCALE (System-wide Collaborative Action for Livelihoods and the Environment) to “Enriched-feeds for Improving the Productivity and Incomes of Small-holder Dairy Farmers.

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Rural Livelihoods, poverty reduction and food security in southern Africa: is CBNRM the answer?

Jan 08, 2013 · File

Comprehensive review of the impacts of CBNRM on rural livelihoods, poverty reduction andfood scurity in southern Africa partly based on country case studies in Botswana, Malawai, Namibia, south Africa and Zimbabwe .

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Elephant Pepper: Establishing Conservation-Focused Business

Sep 22, 2010 · File

This case study examines the development of a commercial product at the intersection of biodiversity conservation, economic development and improvement in the livelihoods of poor African farmers.

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Land Degradation Case Studies 08 - Indonesia

Aug 13, 2009 · File

This paper is part of a series of case studies, which attempt on a pilot country basis to examine the costs of land degradation (INCI).

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Land Degradation Case Studies 07 - Chile

Aug 13, 2009 · File

This paper is part of a series of case studies, which attempt on a pilot country basis to examine the costs of land degradation (INCI).

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Land Degradation Case Studies 06 - Rwanda

Aug 13, 2009 · File

This paper is part of a series of case studies, which attempt on a pilot country basis to examine the costs of land degradation (INCI).

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